Every 32 minutes one more vehicle is hijacked
According to the latest crime stats released by the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) earlier this year, more than 1400 vehicles are hijacked each month.
Wheels24 spoke to Ryno Schutte, Managing Director of Pro-ActiveSA.
Schutte says: “To understand the psyche of a criminal we need to look at the human aspect thereof. As we all have a career that we wish to excel in and want to be at the top of our class in everything we do, the same can be said about criminals. They will constantly adapt their Modus Operandi (Standard Operating Procedure) and find means and ways to get out on top. We do everything a certain way. We drive the same route daily, we get home at the same time, we leave home at the same time. Criminals know this and use this known fact that we as South Africans have become complacent.”
Avoid getting complacent by following and adhering to these 10 safety tips:
Make sure you know where you are going prior to starting your journey and advise someone at your destination about your estimated time of arrival.
Park in safe and secure areas that are well lit at night. Make sure you place all items in the boot of your vehicle. Be aware of your surroundings as you approach your vehicle. Try not to be distracted.
Do not be a victim of car jamming by testing the doors once you have locked the vehicle.
Once you enter your vehicle make sure the doors are locked and the windows are closed. If the window needs to be open, make sure it isn’t wide enough for a hand to fit through.
Ensure handbags and valuable items are not visible on the front seat of the vehicle. Invest in smash-and-grab window protection if possible.
If you sense danger drive to the nearest police station.
Do not get boxed in – ensure there is enough space between you and the car in front of you at a traffic light or stop streets. You should be able to see the rear tyres of the car in front enabling you to have enough space to drive off if necessary.
Make sure your vehicle is well-maintained as it will be less likely to break-down.
Be in a position to call for help by having a cellular device with you that is charged and has airtime. Do not however text or check social media platforms whilst driving.
Make sure your vehicle is microdotted by #DataDotSA.